Snow Day

I have conflicting feelings about winter. On one hand, I understand the need for seasons. On the other hand, I HATE BEING COLD!

St. Louis Missouri Award Winning Children's Photographer

If I have to suffer through the cold winter temperatures, then I would really prefer there to be snow on the ground. I know we are living the privileged life here because we homeschool and work from home, but I want a reward for having to wear a sweater all the time!

The guys went sledding down our front yard this afternoon, then we took the mule out to the fields to see what kinds of animals may have left tracks in the snow (fox!). Naturally we had to stop and play some more.

The snow will begin to melt tomorrow, and we will have a day or two of warmer temperatures before the sharp bite of January nips at us once again.

St. Louis Snow Day Photography